Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday Review! Teen Titans #1 & Batman: The Dark Knight #1

So, guess what guys, it's Wednesday again! I actually remembered to do this, proud! So, this week, I'm reviewing Teen Titans #1 and Batman: The Dark Knight #1. So, without further ado...Squa-de-la, we are off!

So, I've been interested in reading Teen Titans #1 since I saw the insert for The New 52, largely because Tim is the swan queen it looked interesting. It starts off well enough, with a Kid Flash that, I'm pretty sure is supposed to be Bart Allen, but looks strikingly like a young Wally West. He causes some trouble, which sets the stage for the introduction of Tim, putting his mad detective skills to work in front of multiple TV screens. (Actually, when I first saw Tim looking at all the different news feeds, I thought he was a new villain they were introducing XD) Tim meets some baddies and gains info that sets him off to find Cassie, she's rather defensive around him, but doesn't outright punch him out. Although, to be fair, if I were her and were approached by a teenage boy with retractable, mechanized wings(They actually do serve a purpose other than making him look ridiculous)....I'd be kinda wary myself. Superboy only gets a cameo on the last page and they aren't actually anything resembling a team yet, but they've introduced some plot devices that intrigue me enough to find out what happens next.

I actually hadn't planned on picking up Batman: The Dark Knight, but when I picked up Teen Titans I saw it there and thought it looked interesting enough, so I got it. The events leading up to the creation of Batman Incorporated have happened and Bruce is giving a speech on fear at some benefit, which is part of his internal dialogue throughout. He has a confrontation with a member of the GCPD, which may stir up an interesting conflict. Something malfunctions in the maximum security wing of Arkham and there is a new spin put on an old foe. The story ends with a question, and possibly an interesting brawl for Batman to kick of the next issue. All in all, it was a pretty decent story and I guess we'll just have to wait and see where it goes.

So, there you have it! Another week, another comic book review. I can hardly wait for next month to see what happens in all the lovely #2 issues of all these fabulous titles.

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